L'ordonnance pour les nopces Hautecourt, pour vint escuelles, ou mois de Septembre:
Assiette: roisins et pesches ou petis pastés.
Potages: civé, quatre lièvres et veau; ou pour blanc mengier vint chappons, deux sols quatre deniers pièce, ou poules.
Rost: cinq cochons; vint hétoudeaux, deux sols quatre deniers pièce; quarante perdriaux, deux sols quatre deniers pièce. Mortereul ou...
Gelée: dix poucins, douze deniers; dix lappereaulx, un cochon; escrevices, un cent et demy.
Fromentée , venoison, poires et noix. Nota que pour la fromentée convendra trois cens oeufs.
Tartelettes et autres choses, ypocras et le mestier, vin et espices.
Here's the same section of text (slightly modified) from Janet Hinson's translation:
The arrangements for the Hautecourt wedding, for twenty dishes, in the month of September:
Platter: grapes and peaches or little pies.
Soups: civey, four hares and veal; or for blancmanger twenty capons, two sous four deniers apiece, or hens.
Roast: five pigs, twenty capons, two sous four deniers apiece; forty partridge, two sous four deniers apiece.
Jelly: ten chicks, twelve deniers; ten young rabbits, a pig; crayfish, one and a half hundred.
Frumenty, venison, pears and walnuts. Note that for the frumenty you will need three hundred eggs.
Tartlets and other things, hippocras and wafers, wine and spices.
In reading it, I'm struck by a couple of thoughts. The first is that the entire menu calls for a total of six pigs and forty capons to serve twenty people. That sounds like an awful lot. I took a quick look at the online facsimile at the BNF and it has the same wording. Perhaps there was something else going on here - I'll have to dig into it further.
The second thought was that it sounds like a pretty reasonable menu. It's lacking any reference to vegetables, but that might just be the omission on the level of "don't be silly, every dish gets served with vegetables". Then again, the menus at some of the restaurants I ate at on vacation also lacked references to vegetables.
If I were going to base a menu off of this, here's what I think I'd make:
First course:
Fresh peaches (peeled and sliced) and grapes (halved) with a dash of wine, served as a tartlet
Second course:
Rabbit in civey
Blanc manger
Third course:
Roast pork medallions with scallions and verjuice
Roast capon breast with yellow pepper sauce
Squab in pastry "in the Lombardy fashion"
... all the above served together with collards and parsnips
Fourth course:
Meat in aspic, with crayfish
Fifth course:
Frumenty with venison, served with poached pears and walnuts
Sixth course:
Custard tartlets, candied fruit and ginger, snowe, hippocras, wafers, anise in comfit, port.
I've taken a few liberties here and there, but on the whole I don't think a fifteenth century French noble would be overly surprised by any one dish. It'd be a bit on the pricy side to prepare (especially with the squab) but would be fun. I wonder if I could find twenty people willing to try it.