Recipes from the Wagstaff Miscellany (Beinecke MS 163)
This manuscript is dated about 1460.
The 200 (approx.) recipes in the Wagstaff miscellany are on pages 56r through 76v.
Images of the original manuscript are freely available on the Yale University Library website.
I have done my best to provide an accurate, but readable transcription. Common abbreviations have been expanded, the letters thorn and yogh have been replaced with their modern equivalents, and some minor punctuation has been added.
Copyright © 2015 by Daniel Myers,
179. Bace Mylet or Breme
Draw all thes at the bely scale hem clene with the ege of a knyf wesch hym make thy sauce of watyr & salt when hit boyleth scome hit clene & schorch fyrst othyr twarte to the syde & cast hit yn the wellyng sayce sage & percelley & serve hit forth somdell hote serve the base & the melet with sauce gynger & the breme with garlecke.
This recipe is a match for recipe 113 from A Noble Boke off Cookry.
To dight bace molet or breme drawe them at the belly and skale them clene and wesche them and mak ye sauce of water and salt and when it boilithe scom it clene and scoche them outwhat the sides and cast them in at the boiling put ther to parsly and saige and serue it. the bace and the molet with guinger. [A Noble Boke off Cookry (England, 1468)]