I'm going to jump topics for a moment here, but I promise to get back to the discussion on the quiz posts soon.
I just came across a post on the blog "This is why you're fat" that caught my eye. It's an image of a dish from the Republic of Georgia - essentially a sort of custard or quiche cooked in a bread crust.

The reason I note this is that it looks an awful lot like some unidentifiable (to me) things in a Dutch painting from 1559 that I posted about some time ago (look in the lower right portion of the painting, on top of the basket of birds).
I don't know if they're in any way related to this dish, but I find the similarity of shapes interesting.
It's one more bit of information in the quest of the Mysterious Football-Shaped Things®.
Holy carp -- is that a whole stick of butter melting on top of that?? Wow.
Reminds me of some of the Guter Speise recipes, the ones that seem to have a filling spread on a flat "leaf" of bread or pastry.
Hi Doc,
I found another picture where you can see the mysterious object better.
It has no ressemblance with the Georgian dish. I think it is some kind of small bread or roll or a loaf of butter.It could also be a lightly smoked cheese similar to scamorzine.
Greetings, Andreas
I thought the ones in the painting looked like dried fish fillets. Aren't there fish shaped like that?
No they're not fish. Given its placement near the loaves of bread in the painting Andreas linked to (I forgot about it being in that one - thanks!) makes me think it's a bread product all the more.
I wonder if the objects in the 16th century paintings could be some sort of stuffed or filled loaf. I think the little nubbins on the ends are an artifact of the shaping process - which could have a parallel in how that modern Georgian recipe is made.
Hi Doc,
if you look at both pictures again, you will see, that the objects are the only ones placed in a wooden bowl or on a Fayence plate. I think it must bee something sticky or greasy. I would interpret it as a loaf of butter, the shape deriving from the last step in buttermaking: squeezing the remaining liquids out of it.
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