Sometimes I feel awfully scatterbrained - I'm well aware that organization is not my strong suit (Oh, and if you've emailed me and I didn't get back to you, it's probably because I was distracted by something, so feel free to email again and nag until you get a response - I promise I won't get annoyed). At any rate, I thought I'd make a list of the current projects I'm working on in the hopes it motivates me to finish a few of them off.
The Projects (in no particular order):
- writing a novel (gothic horror, about 60% done)
- transcription of Kalendarium Hortense (ongoing)
- Halidai's Instant Feast
- image processing for "A Noble Boke off Cookry"
- medieval prayer book (in Middle-English)
- book/paper of medieval scientific knowledge
- transcription of Middle-English cookbook
- construction of various props for RPGs
- about 100 books to be read
- menus for 3 different events
- outfitting a medieval field kitchen
Ugh! That's a lot for someone who still has a day job, and there's a bunch more that I haven't included. I need a staff to follow me around and complete things, kind of like Martha Stewart had - before she went to jail.
No more new projects until I get these done - and this time I meant it!
Sometimes I wish scientists would just figure out how to insta-clone people already! It would give new meaning to the word "multitask." ;)
I can so sympathise! I have a similar list, which is fine until 'unexpected events' happen - often conected with my daughter or my dog, and then everything gets thrown!
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